

Automatically overlay Amazon.com product links on iframe videos.

You can overlay Amazon.com product affiliate links on embedded Youtube iframes etc. Timing to show links and even probability are Customisable.

Sample image.

am-tb.js sample image

All you need is copy & paste. After that, it's maintenance free!

Very simple. Once you copy and paste codes, it's done. The am-tb.js will automatically pick up current Best Seller products on Amazon.com. (product categories are limited for now.)

Not only Youtube, but support MANY iframe videos.

am-tb.js supports iframe videos:
Twitch / Vimeo / Dailymotion / Streamable / Liveleak / Gfycat
*Other than these are "not supported website", but still you can use am-tb.js manually.

Generate your codes.


Step1. Change settings below.
Step2. Copy generated codes and insert it before body tag on your web site.
Step3. When you click a video to play, a Amazon.com product link will automatically overlay.


Categories(check current Best Seller products)
PreviewGenerate codes
※Tracking ID is disabled in preview. Please check on your site by yourself.


Doesn't work.
Do you have jQuery plug-in else? If so, try replacing "$('***')." to "jQuery('***')."
How to use on not-Youtube video?
Select "Any supported sites". Copy and paste generated codes. Even if your iframe is not supported website, you can add class="amtbtgt" to iframe and force to use am-tb.js! (but may cause layout problems, so use it carefully.)
Not allowed to edit before </body>
If you can't insert html before </body>tag, don't use generated code directly. Try copy and paste following codes in javascript allowed area. (need to edit just one line)
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  function codeAppend(){
   var link = document.createElement('link');
   with( link ) {      
      href = '//'.livdir.com/am-tb.'/en/js/style.css';
      type = 'text/css';
      rel = 'stylesheet'; 
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head'); 
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script .src = "//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"; 
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script .src = "INSERT HERE SRC URL FROM GENERATED CODES(LINE 3). ex.) //livdir.com/am-tb/en/js/?type~"; 

Terms of Use

*Please use it at your own risk. We will take no responsibilities for any problem caused by using this script.
*Our ads will be shown with a probability of 2%.
*These Terms of Use are subject to change without notice.
Contact US

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Amazon Bestsellers RSS feeds UNOFFICIAL

RSS feeds for current Best Seller products ranking data.
*No need API key
*Support Associates tag

Amazon Bestsellers sample

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