How to block Pinterest crawler and prevent saves to Pinterest from your site.

I freaking hate Pinterest. It's so annoying when you find that in google search results.
Also, many Pinterest users infringing copyrighted materials.
If you are uploading your drawing/photo/comic on your site, make sure to block Pinterest crawler and prevent saves to Pinterest.

Use META tag if you don't want people to save things to Pinterest from your website.

You can prevent saves to Pinterest adding META tag to HTML code.
Paste this code into the <head> section.
<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" />

If someone tries to save things to Pinterest from your site, they'll see error message and can't save.

Pinterest says that you can customize the message by adding a description to the meta tag, but I only see same message.
Maybe the information is old and not updated.
<meta name="pinterest" content ="nopin" description="My Website doesn't allow saving to Pinterest." />

By the way, the Pinterest's example message is "Sorry, you can't save from my website!". LOL
Why should i say SORRY to a freaking Pinterest user?

Block Pinterest crawler using robots.txt

Pinterest bots and crawler are collecting your images whether or not user save to Pinterest.
Block them by "robots.txt", just to make sure they don't steel your images.
Create "robots.txt" and write
user-agent: Pinterestbot

disallow: /

Save it with UTF-8 encoding, and upload it. (directly under the domain)

How to submit a copyright complaint when your copyrights are being infringed.

If your copyrights are being infringed, go Copyright|Pinterest Policy page and
Submit a copyright complaint.